Webton Trademark Directory

World Directory of Trademark Lawyers & Trademark Registration Agents

Webton Office Homepage

Webton Trademark Directory is a global directory of trademark lawyers, agents, and trademark consulting and registration services. There are two ways to be listed in this directory:

1. You link to the Webton Office from your homepage using any of the following links: Webton - The Global Trademark Solution · Webton (The Global Trademark Solution) · Webton Office - Webtonize Your Trademark! · Webton Office - Worldwide TM Protection · Webton - Web Trademark Registration · Webton Office - International IP Protection linking to http://webton.com/office/.

2. You pay the one-time listing fee of 100 US dollars. (And $10 for any future updates.)

Webton Trademark Directory's National Pages

Canada | Czech Republic | Saudi Arabia | Seychelles | Slovakia | United States
If you provide trademark services and wish to be included in this directory, please complete and submit the registration form (below). An entry consists of the name of the company (or individual), its address, phone and fax numbers, URL, email address (as applicable), and the description in the English language of up to 100 words.

Select the country/countries in which you provide trademark registration and/or consulting services:

Full name of trademark lawyer/agent or registered name of company:

Full address for correspondence:

Phone number: country code area/city code number

Fax number: country code area/city code number

Email address: Web site address (URL):

Brief description of your firm/agency, services provided, specialization, credentials … (100 words maximum):

Please review the form and make sure you have entered all applicable information. Then submit the form:

Thank you for your entry. Your information will be included in Webton Trademark Directory as soon as we receive your payment of the one-time registration fee of 100 US dollars, or as soon as you link to the Webton Office Homepage.

Please make your cheque or money order payable to "BGC" and mail it to the following address:


Please enclose with your payment the name of trademark lawyer/agent or company (as memo) as it appears on the form above to avoid delays.

1998 © Webton Office. Webton, Webton Office and The Global Trademark Solution are Webtons and service marks of Webton Office.


The Global Trademark Solution