Webton Dispute Policy |
The Webton Office's Dispute Policy |
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1. The Webton Office ("WO") is responsible for the registration of Webtons. WO registers Webtons on a "first come, first served" basis. By registering a Webton, WO does not determine any legal conditions that may apply to the Registrant in regard to Webton registration in his/her or any other jurisdictions. It is the Registrant's responsibility to ensure that registering Webton(s) is not in conflict with any jurisdiction that has effect upon him/her. Consequently, WO cannot be held responsible for infringement upon the rights of third parties on the basis of the Registrant's registering Webton(s). 2. The entity applying for a Webton ("Registrant") is solely responsible for selecting its own Webton and maintaining for the continued accuracy of the registration record. The Registrant, by completing and submitting the Webton Registration Agreement ("Agreement"), represents that the statements in its application are true and that the registration of the selected Webton, to the best of the registrant's knowledge, does not interfere with or infringe upon the rights of any third party. The registrant also represents that the Webton is not being registered for any unlawful purpose. 3. WO neither acts as arbiter nor provides resolution of disputes between registrants and third party complainants arising out of the registration or use of a Webton. This Webton Dispute Policy ("Policy") does not confer any rights, procedural or substantive, upon third party complainants. Likewise, complainants are not obligated to use this Policy. 4. This Policy does not limit the administrative or legal procedures WO may use when third party conflicts arise, or when WO is presented with information that a Webton violates the legal rights of a third party, including, but not limited to, information that the display or use of the Webton is expressly prohibited by a United States federal statute or regulation. |
Copyright © 1998 Webton Office. Webton, Webton Office and The Global Trademark Solution are Webtons and service marks of the Webton Office. |
The Global Trademark Solution |